POLISS Summer School 19 – 30 June 2023 in Valencia
The POLISS summer school in Valencia, Spain, held from June 19th to 30th, 2023, offered ESRs a platform to showcase their work and gather insights. With engaging talks from external experts, the program aimed to equip ESRs for their future careers post-PhD. Additionally, immersive field trips to the port of Valencia and agri-food research centers underscored the dynamic interplay between traditional economic sectors and cutting-edge technology.
Knowledge & Research
- Research presentations (ESRs)
- Organizing role of communities in the local economy
- Regional innovation policies (examples from the Valencia region)
- Career opportunities after the PhD (careers in academia, policy and the private sector)
- Advanced qualitative methodologies
- Machine learning for the social sciences
Transferable Skills
- Presentation Skills (in practice, research presentations)
- CV and social media profiles designs
- Public speaking
- Writing research grants (focus on grants from the European Research Council and Marie Curie Individual Fellowships)
- Navigating hybrid careers (e.g. academia and policy)
- Using skills and competencies acquired during the PhD in different contexts
Meet the Stakeholders
- Competence Centre on Foresight at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
- Technopolis Group
- EURASHE (the European association of applied higher education institutions)
- Complexity Science Hub Vienna
- Port Authority of Valencia (ES)
- Mercadona (ES)
Group Dynamics
- Group Work
- Networking
- Providing and gaining feedback on research projects
Please find the full handbook of the training week here.