POLISS Project Monitoring & Evaluation

This questionnaire is part of the POLISS evaluation and quality assurance process. We aim to create an open environment where all POLISS members feel safe to provide feedback and suggestions at all times. In addition, all ESRs will be asked to provide feedback using different forms, with the aim of monitoring our activities and support & to make changes where needed. We will use the following forms:

Project Evaluation QuestionnaireAfter Summer Schools (annually)
POLISS Schools QuestionnaireAfter each Summer / Winter School (bi-annually)
Supervision Secondment HostsAfter each Secondment

The responses to these surveys will be anonymous and will be kept confidential.

POLISS School Evaluation

Training School Valencia (19 June – 30 June 2023)

The responses to these surveys will be anonymous and will be kept confidential.

The main training objective of the POLISS Network is:
to train a new generation of experts in regional development and innovation policy, explicitly linking research with policy practices related to RIS3 actions

 The main scientific objective of the POLISS Network is:
to contribute to a more effective design, implementation and evaluation of RIS3 actions in EU regions, by providing new systematic evidence and methodological tools for designing, implementing and assessing RIS3 actions in EU regions.

    Your reference *

    1. Global assessment (Valencia Summer School)

    Tick the relevant boxes to indicate your response.

    Overall appreciation*

    Match with POLISS objectives*

    Relevance for my research topic *

    Relevance for my professional skills development *

    Relevance for my skills of engagement (networking, dissemination, impact) *

    Additional comments to the global assessment

    2. Quality of the Training
    Preparatory readings / instructions *

    Transferable skills:

    Improvement of interpersonal and collaborative skills. *

    Developed the ability to work across disciplines and with a diverse group of people. *

    Developed the ability to to write a Marie Curie bid. *

    Developed the knowledge and understanding of hybrid careers. *

    Developed the ability to establish and maintain a good CV and social media profiles. *

    Developed the knowledge level on qualitative research methods. *

    Developed the knowledge level on machine learning and social science research. *

    Developed the ability to communicate research-based evidence to the public. *

    Knowledge, Research and Policy

    To what extent did the Agri-food policy case-study presentations and site visit offer comprehensive overview of the policies at different levels used to address innovation and regional development *

    To what extent did the Energy policy case-study presentations and site visit offer comprehensive overview of the policies at different levels used to address innovation and regional development *

    To what extent did the Industrial Modernisation policy case-study presentations and site visit offer comprehensive overview of the policies at different levels used to address innovation and regional development *

    To what extent did the Cultural and Creative Sector policy case-study presentations and site visit offer comprehensive overview of the policies at different levels used to address innovation and regional development *

    To what extent did the SmartSpec beyond EU policy case-study presentations and site visit offer comprehensive overview of the policies at different levels used to address innovation and regional development *

    Additional comments to the content relevance

    3. Host / organiser
    Overall appreciation *

    Pre-course information *

    Facilities *

    Accommodation *

    Meals *

    Social programme *

    Additional comments about the role of the host

    What were the most successful/valuable/positive aspects of the Summer School in your opinion?

    What aspects of the training could be improved?

    What skills would you say that you have developed during this Summer School?

    Any other comments