Stefano Breschi
Roles in the POLISS project:
Supervisor for ESR 3 | Supervisory Board memberInstitution
Bocconi University
Stefano Breschi obtained his PhD from the Department of Economics, Università di Pavia (Italy) in 1994. He is Professor of Applied Economics and Deputy Director of the Center for Research on Innovation, Organization and Strategy (CRIOS) at the Università Commerciale L. Bocconi, Milan (Italy). His main research interests are in the economics of technical change, industrial dynamics, social networks, economics of science, economics of the patent system, economic geography and regional economics. He carried out several research projects for international (e.g. European Commission DG Research, DG Information Society) and national (e.g. ENEA, Confindustria) organisations. He is author of numerous articles in journals like Economic Journal, Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Regional Studies, Journal of Economic Geography among others. He is Associate Editor of the journal Industrial and Corporate Change.