We are thrilled to announce that two POLISS Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) have won the Charles Tiebout Prize at the 62nd Western Regional Science Association (WRSA) Conference held in Big Island, Hawaii, in February. Martina Pardy, ESR at the London School of Economics, won the first place for her paper on Multinationals and Intra-Regional innovation Concentration, while Benjamin Cornejo Costas, ESR at Utrecht University, won the second place for his paper on High-skilled Migrants and Breakthrough Innovations.

The Charles Tiebout Prize is awarded to the best papers presented by graduate students or early-career scholars in the field of regional science at the WRSA Conference. This prestigious prize recognizes outstanding research and contributions to the field of regional science.

Martina’s paper examines to what extent the presence of Multinationals influences innovation concentration between patenting firms within US states, while Benjamin’s paper focuses on the impact of the historical 1921-1924 quota act banning European migrants in the US and its unintended effects on breakthrough innovations. Both papers demonstrate the high quality of research being produced by our ESRs at POLISS.

Congratulations to Martina and Benjamin on this well-deserved honour, and we wish them continued success in their future endeavours. We are looking forward to seeing their future contributions to the field of regional science.

If you’re interested in learning more about the research being conducted by our talented ESRs at POLISS, visit our website or follow us on social media.

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