Evaluation questionnaire for the POLISS training school in Milan

This questionnaire is part of the POLISS evaluation and quality assurance process. It aims to collect information about the ESRs’ perception on the training school held in Milan, Italy, in July 2022. This information is very important to the assessment of the training event and to identify the eventual need to introduce measures directed at increasing the effectiveness of similar initiatives to be carried out in the future under the POLISS framework.

All information provided will only be used for assessment purposes and kept strictly confidently.

The main training objective of the POLISS Network is:
to train a new generation of experts in regional development and innovation policy, explicitly linking research with policy practices related to RIS3 actions

The main scientific objective of the POLISS Network is:
to contribute to a more effective design, implementation and evaluation of RIS3 actions in EU regions, by providing new systematic evidence and methodological tools for designing, implementing and assessing RIS3 actions in EU regions.

    Your reference *

    1. Global assessment (Training School, including GEOINNO2022)

    Tick the relevant boxes to indicate your response.

    Overall appreciation *

    Match with POLISS objectives (see above)*

    Relevance for my research topic *

    Relevance for my professional skills development *

    Relevance for my skills of engagement (networking, dissemination, impact) *

    Additional comments to the global assessment

    2. Quality of the Training
    Preparatory readings / instructions*

    Transferable skills:

    Econometrics with Stata *

    Working with patent data and SNA using python *

    How to measure complexity *

    Time and Stress Management *

    Presentation Skills (in practice, GEOINNO2022)*

    Networking Skills (in practice, GEOINNO2022)*

    Research and Policy:

    Sustainability in Smart Spec policies: The industrial symbiosis for sustainability (LE2C Cluster) *

    EU Governance, policy tools and funding schemes: Evaluation of European Structural Investment Funds (PTS CLAS) *

    Observatory on Industrial Districts (Banka Intesa) *

    S3 Monitoring, a logic for intervention*

    GEOINNO2022 *

    Additional comments to the content relevance

    3. Host / organiser
    Overall appreciation *

    Pre-course information *

    Facilities *

    Accommodation *

    Meals *

    Social programme *

    Additional comments about the role of the host

    What were the most successful/valuable/positive aspects of the Training School in your opinion?

    What aspects of the training could be improved?

    What skills would you say that you have developed during this Training School?

    What skills or knowledge gaps would you like to see addressed in the next POLISS School?

    Any other comments