POLISS Project Monitoring & Evaluation

This questionnaire is part of the POLISS evaluation and quality assurance process. We aim to create an open environment where all POLISS members feel safe to provide feedback and suggestions at all times. In addition, all ESRs will be asked to provide feedback using different forms, with the aim to monitor our activities and support & to make changes where needed. We will use the following forms:

Project Evaluation QuestionnaireAfter Summer Schools (annually)Online
POLISS Schools QuestionnaireAfter each Summer / Winter School (bi-annually)Online
Supervision Secondment HostsAfter each SecondmentOn paper (surfdrive)

Project Evaluation Questionnaire

The responses to these surveys will be anonymous and will be kept confidential.

    Your reference *

    1. The POLISS project conditions

    Please tick the relevant boxes to indicate your view on the general project conditions.

    Overall appreciation

    Cross-POLISS assistance and support

    Quality and accuracy of the project coordination & support

    Timeliness of project coordination & support

    Availability and approachability of project coordinators

    Safety of work environment (inter personally levels)

    Overall training experience

    Overall secondment experience

    Overall experience of interaction with non-academic partners

    Possibilities to network and engage with different stakeholders


    2. Home institution conditions

    Please tick the relevant boxes to indicate your view on the conditions of your home institution.

    Overall appreciation


    Support functions (Administration, HR, Finance)

    Safety of work environment (inter personally levels)

    Does your local PhD programme include mandatory local courses?

    Please tick the relevant boxes to indicate your appreciation of these mandatory courses:

    Overall appreciation


    Teaching quality

    Learning outcomes

    Course facilities


    3. Supervision

    Overall appreciation of the supervisor

    Social / personal support from the supervisor

    Professional support from the supervisor

    Availability and approachability of the supervisor

    Communication with the supervisor

    The supervisor trusts my abilities

    The supervisor provides helpful feedback

    The supervisor has up to date expertise on the topic of my research

    The supervisor regularly monitors my progress in regard of the project deadlines

    The supervisor provides timely feedback and answers

    The supervisor clearly states his/her expectations on my work and performance

    The supervisor clearly states what I can expect from him/her as a supervisor

    The supervisor encourages me to talk openly about problems regarding my work

    The supervisor stimulates me to critically reflect on my work

    Level of interaction between you and your co-supervisor(s)

    Overall appreciation of the co-supervisor

    Social / personal support from the co-supervisor

    Professional support from the co-supervisor

    Availability and approachability of the co-supervisor

    Coordination between supervisor and co-supervisor

    Division of labour between supervisor and co-supervisor

    4. Personal and Professional Development

    Please tick the relevant boxes to provide your assessment of the impact POLISS-related activities have on your personal and professional development.

    Knowledge and intellectual abilities
    Knowledge base

    Cognitive abilities


    Personal qualities
    Work effectiveness

    Self management

    Professional and career development

    Research governance and organization
    Professional conduct

    Research management

    Finance, funding and resources

    Engagement, influence and impact
    Working with others

    Communication and dissemination

    Engagement and impact

    5. Other comments

    Please provide any comments or particular positive/negative experiences you have had in and with the project so far. Please make sure to phrase the comments in a way that maintains your anonymity.